This post will be one of those things that I rarely do when I blog - it's about some family news. I have decided to step back from self-employment for the time being, and return to the company I worked for for years (Mervin Zimmerman, Inc.) It has not been an easy decision; I've struggled with feeling like I failed in this venture, like it may have been a mistake. Failure is not an easy feeling to swallow. However, I do believe with conviction that this is the best thing I can do for my family, and Jill's tremendous support through this process has been a stalwart lighthouse in what could have been dreary weather. I'm not going to take the time to explain the nitty gritty details of why it came to this - feel free to ask me in person if you really want to know. Suffice it to say that the future of the business was uncertain, and I felt that I could not put my family at risk. Overall, I am happy to be back at a job where I already have good relationships and am confident in what I am doing. My stress level is down, my hours are up, and I get to come home every day to an amazing family. God is, still, good.