With the 2012 election fast approaching, battle lines have been clearly drawn and the mud slinging has begun in full force from all directions. I grow weary of this, as I suspect many others do, but something else strikes as peculiar in this battle of politics. In order to secure our votes, politicians not only point out the opposition's failures and disqualifiers, but they make promises, often grand and overreaching promises. Many of these promises are never kept. They say things like "I will do this" and "I will fix that," but every time their term comes to an end many of those statements turn out to be false. This is not new; everyone has seen this. So, from what I can tell, in order to be a successful politician, you must be prepared to lie, and lie often. And we keep voting, for liars. It's all B.S., if you ask me. But, then again, I grew up in a county that uses cow manure to fertilize for growth, so maybe there is something to it after all.
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